Sunday, August 19, 2018

Everybody is doing because Everybody is doing

Since past few years, often I feel “Everybody is doing because everybody is doing and most do not know why they are doing”. Most of us are afraid “what if I do not do this, I will stay behind”

Are we living a very very Human-Centric life?

On the occasion of this Independence Day, let’s free ourselves from the unnecessary human-centric thoughts and live a life which looks at the self, this environment, ecology and other forms of life

YES, it is difficult …….


Realize and accept, I am the one who is responsible for my life. (This may help in making a better choice next time :))
Let’s not be serious all the time about life
Create an atmosphere within us which will take care of the atmosphere around us

LET’s help SELF and so each other to feel pleasant, happy…… within and so outside

If we make ourselves a happy pleasant, eco-friendly life, it is the BEST gift we will give to the generation next. This is important, as we got something from our previous generation we ought to do something USEFUL for the generation next

YES, again it is easier said than done ...... but worth giving a try isn’t it?

Reference & Inspiration